These days, many people would rather use a credit card than go to the best money lender Singapore. But because of how common credit card usage has become, it’s become easy for credit card debt to sneak up on us. Many have seen or even experienced it firsthand, and it’s ugly. But fear not! With unwavering dedication, smart strategies, and these steps, you can eliminate credit card debt.
Step 1: Accept That You Have a Problem
Picture this: a young professional living in the fast lane, believing credit cards are their trusty sidekicks. “What harm could they do?” they naively ask. It turns out they could do a lot. They only discover that their debt has quickly grown when the bill comes. And when they try to only partially pay, they get an equally big or bigger bill in the next cycle because their habits are unchanged.
Maybe you’re in the same situation. Or maybe credit card debt is the only thing you relate to in that scenario. Regardless, what matters is that you’ve become aware of the gravity of your situation. No matter how helpful the other steps may be, you’re not going to take them anyway if you refuse to accept that you’re already in financial trouble.
Step 2: Crafting a Budget
A well-crafted budget allows you to avoid unnecessary expenses and keep money that should go toward your needs and financial goals intact.
One good way to go about with a budget is through a note app or a spreadsheet. It helps you meticulously track every dollar you earn and spend. But of course, it would all be useless if you don’t commit to it in the first place.
Step 3: Setting Ambitious Goals
Making credit card debt repayment a short-term goal helps you achieve it. And once you pay it off, you’re going to feel a sense of accomplishment. However, setting financial goals beyond that will also help you pay your credit card debt off.
Most people simply make a mental or written note of their financial goals. But to help you achieve them, you can take it one step further and have photos of your dream vacation, dream house, and other things representing your financial goals.
While the relief of clearing credit card debt should already be sufficient motivation for you, higher financial goals should help motivate you even more.
Step 4: Adopting a Side Hustle or Two
If you feel like paying your credit card debt while paying for your needs with just your single income stream is difficult or even impossible, seek opportunities for a side hustle. From freelancing to selling crafts, there are many ways you can earn more if you have enough time and energy.
But like we said, before you decide to go this route, make sure that you don’t neglect your main source of income. Trying to have as many side hustles as possible to the point that your job or business will be in jeopardy can land you in more financial trouble than when you started.
Step 5: Avoiding Temptations
The path to credit card debt freedom is paved with alluring distractions—flashy sales, irresistible offers, and enticing gadgets. But despite all this, you must stay strong and dedicated to your goal.
One way you can do this is to remember that every purchase you make will incur more debt. You can also use these temptations as rewards. Use a sense of delayed gratification and make them a goal that you can only allow yourself to purchase once you’ve paid off what you owe your credit card provider.
By being resilient, disciplined, and wise, you’ll be able to get rid of your credit card debt. Sticking to a budget, establishing clear goals, boosting your income if needed, and avoiding temptation—these things are not easy to do, but the payoff will be huge. And once you’ve paid off your credit card debt, you can finally focus on your financial goals. Just make sure you don’t have the same problem again in the future.